Old West Side Association
Upcoming Events

 BE WELL from all of us in the Old West Side


 See you soon for Walk with Grace as well as


 other events--WANT TO VOLUNTEER?

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AGAIN,VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! FALL FORUM Traditionally in OCTOBER at Argus Farm Stop on Liberty in the MORNING - WATCH FOR FLIERS! In prior years we have had speakers addressing "upzoning" and how it might affect downtown neighborhoods.

Traditionally in September or October Probably at Argus Farm Stop, Downtown Home and Garden or at BACH SCHOOL Multi-purpose Room. Thank you for making this annual event a successful exchange between citizens, candidates and officials.

In addition to the annual homes tour each fall (except 2013), the Old West Side Association has been pleased to sponsor the following although all are on hiatus due to the pandemic:

Children's Festival, early June (usually Saturday) two hours beginning or ending at noon, in Wurster Park. Storytellers, animals, activities. Many thanks are due Rachel Thompson and crew for coordinating this annual event for the neighborhood.

OWS Garage Sale, Saturday and Sunday, mid-May,--traditionally the weekend before the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Advance notice as possible on community calendars and on-line at sites such as Nextdoor.com

Lurie Terrace Concert, usually February or March depending upon the artists. Many thanks to Barb Hall for coordinating this.

Spring Walk With Grace - JUNE (depending on the weather) Although we usually start in front of a local landmark, Grace will tell us where to begin. In 2018, Grace was joined by Mark Hodesh to explore downtown adjacent to the railroad area.. The walk always features sites from THE WALKING TOUR updated by Grace Shackman and friends with presentations focusing on the Old West Side by Grace, residents and guests. Grace has generously donated her time and efforts to this landmark presentation.

Fall Forum: Speakers are invited from the community to address current issues or matters for residents' review-- usually includes candidates for office or City officials on a particular topic of interest. Have ideas for individuals who should speak? Let us know at oldwestsidea2@gmail.com

The Fall Forum is intended to provide a platform for candidates or citizens to address topics of interest, at Argus Farm Stop or other neighborhood venue beginning at 7:30 p.m. There is some flexibility in order to gather the best group of panelists from local and other officials. We work closely with other organizations to not overlap while providing an informative panel. Linda Berauer has taken the lead on this in reaching out to the community.

Past topics have included the Ann Arbor Greenway, the DDA proposals, as well as flood mitigation, garden expertise and historic house research. Refreshments available.